Rules For Submissions
YOU - (the artist)
1. MUST have all copyrights to all material submitted.
2. WILL retain ALL rights to your work.
3. WILL be credited at the show and on the website
WE -
1. Reserve the right to use photos/video taken at the event in our future promotions.
2. Will air submitted material during the FilmLand festival only.
3. Will never release any raw files "into the wild" and will destroy them after the festival upon request. Respecting people's copyright is a big deal to us.
4. Will never bug you with emails, maybe 4 or 5 a year.
5. Will never sell or distribute your email in any way.
All decisions to air a piece (or not) are made by Creative Con.
ANY subject will be considered, but please keep in mind - CreativeCon is a all-ages, free public event.
ALL artworks to be aired will be selected with this in mind.
At FilmLand we'll be screening several short films and a feature film, as well as, having panel talks that target up and coming filmmakers!
FilmLand will be held at CityArts Cooperative (318 Luverne Ave, Panama City, FL 32401) on October 7 & 8 during Creative Con.
Film schedule to be announced.
Also, if you are interested in having us screen one of your short films, please fill out the form on the right side of the screen or email us at pccreativecon@gmail.com